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Procise IFX

Over the past two decades great improvements in therapy of chronic inflammatory diseases have been made. The rise of TNF biologics like infliximab has been a great step forward to ameliorating disease course and keep inflammations at remission levels for prolonged periods of time. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) of biotherapies is a well recognized tool allowing a better usage of biotherapies by making evidence-based treatment decisions.

However, all the benefits of TDM for infliximab are not available on a true point-of-care platform. Current limitations in testing force dose adjustments to come weeks after trough level testing.

Procise IFX allows immediate decisions on drug dose adjustments at the time of infusion in only 5 minutes with finger prick blood by virtually any level laboratory technician.

Product Information

Sample Types Finger prick whole blood, venous blood, or serum
Reportable Range 1.7μg/mL - 77.2μg/mL
Time to Results Less than 5 minutes
Stability 2 years at room temperature
Validated for Infliximab (Remicade®, Remsima®, Inflectra®, Flixabi® and Rensflexis®)

Calibrated against WHO standard.